Professor Karen Johnston represented the RE-WIRING project at the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA), which this week brought together almost 600 international academics, and public policy and public service professionals to discuss ways to strengthen democratic governance for better public policies and services. The location of the conference in Athens, as the origins of democracy, is apt to discuss better practices for democracy and public administration. Most notable speakers include one of the few women in leadership positions in the Greek government, Ms. Paraskevi (Vivi) Chraalaboyianni, Deputy Minister of the Greek Ministry of the Interior.
Professor Johnston is presenting a paper entitled, Reimagining Better Practices for Improving Women’s Employment. The paper presents better practices in addressing women’s under-representation in employment, and the calls for policy outcomes for women, and the inclusion and better representation of women in public policy. The inclusion and representation of women is a key to strengthening democracy.

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