Synthesis: Comparative and Sectorial Perspectives

Work Package 7 will serve to synthesise the key insights and messages across the different thematic work packages, with a view to identifying the main building blocks for ‘re-wiring’ existing institutional infrastructures in light of the demands of intersectional transformative equality. As such, it will connect the theory and methodology of transformative equality as established in WP1 with the main lessons that can be drawn from the other work packages. These concern not only the comparison of the different legal, culturally and crises induced gender equality approaches, but also the different sectoral insights for developing and mainstreaming more effectively an intersectional transformative equality approach.
Therefore, the main objectives of this work packages will be: (1) Analyse research findings across WPs and along cross-cutting issues to capture how gender inequalities are produced by the interplay of laws, and policies, socialisation and media narratives; (2) Analyse research findings through and Transformative Equalities lens that reveals how gendered power relations affect individuals and societies and; (3) Provide key insights and policy recommendations for the effective countering of gender stereotypes in relation to SDG 5 (i.e., Sustainable Development Goals: achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls).
There are four deliverables within Work Package 7:
D7.1 – Background paper: Comparative review of selected sectors of work

The background paper will provide a detailed comparative review of selected sectors of work and develop a synthesized scientific framework for future research lines and evidence-based interventions across these sectors.

D7.2 – Background paper: Country-level incoherences regarding gender-relevant policies

This background paper addresses the incoherences regarding gender-relevant policies within national contexts using culturally-sensitive, decolonising transformative equality approach.

D7.3 – Background paper: Comparative experiences of girls and women in relation to SDG 5 

This background paper brings together the findings of gender stereotyping of girls and women across national contexts and relates them to the SDG 5 and will present a synthesized model/scientific framework helpful in understanding the nuances present within the multiple institutional, experiential and symbolical levels that substantially and unevenly exclude girls and women from services, opportunities, protection and participation, and ultimately expose them to situations of dependency, insecurity, exploitation and violence.

D7.4 – Project Report: Towards a REWIRING transformative equality approach 

The project report draws together the project findings across various contexts to propose recommendations for the effective application of the RE-WIRING transformative equality approach. 

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